One of the purposes of Health Innovation Aarhus is to support the continuous attraction of new talent to our ecosystem; innovative healthcare and medical professionals at Aarhus University Hospital and other hospitals in the region, students and young researchers at Aarhus University, employees for the area's innovative health businesses and start-ups with high ambitions and visionary ideas.
Health Innovation Aarhus is a collaboration founded in 2020 by a partnership between Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus University, the City of Aarhus, Central Denmark Region and INCUBA.
Our aim is to boost sustainable health innovation by providing the best possible framework and to help new health players find their feet in the ecosystem and, if needed, find the best possible partnerships and facilities.
Where talent
meets opportunity

Initiated by
Move the cursor to the circles for a brief introduction of the initiating partners of Health Innovation Aarhus.
Aarhus in numbers
Central Denmark Region health professionals in the Aarhus area
Health professional educations offered in the Aarhus area
IT educations offered in the Aarhus area
Inhabitants in Aarhus
Inhabitants in Aarhus (forecast)